The Safety Library holds a wide range of items. These can be filtered using the categories listing on the right-hand-side or bottom of the page.
CDM in Relation to Forestry
November 2024 - FISA 808 Feedback Q&A (V1) 20.11.24
October 2024 - FISA 808 Annex 1 amended to show CDM not required for Forwarder Track (Brash & Stump) - see p8.
September 2024 - This new guide provides a summary for the Construction Design & Management (CDM) Regulations 2015 and how they apply to forestry-related construction work.
Roundwood in Ports
July 2023 - Shipping of roundwood has steadily increased over the last 18 months, not least with the storm Arwen clear up in NE Scotland. Many ports previously unused for timber for many years are now being utilised for multi modal shipping of timber and it was pertinent for FISA to engage with this sector to create a base guidance document that can be referenced by ports and hauliers / suppliers.
The refreshed 2019 FISA Guidance on Managing Health & Safety in Forestry (GMHSF), is now available to the UK forestry industry.
Scottish Woodlands Health & Safety Bulletin
STV item
A Fatal Accident Inquiry found Andrew Sinclair died after his clothes became entangled in the machine, leading to arm and neck injuries.
Tree Council event
Thursday 13th February 1-1.45pm - online
Presentation and discussion roundup
The chainsaw working group recently held two online open forums, hearing from operators and those with an interest in chainsaw safety. Thanks to the 48 attendees over the two events, joining discussions on chainsaw safety; event discussion saw some dominant themes emerging.
The FISA Electricity and Utilities Working Group have agreed, as a small step improvement, to offer up to the forestry industry, an industry standard template version of overhead powerline warning signage, that better reflects the HSE Guidance.