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FISA Chainsaw WG
Chainsaws come with well-known occupational hazards like lacerations, burns, vibration, and noise exposure. But did you know about the health effects from fuel vapour and exhaust fumes?
Scottish Woodlands Health & Safety Bulletin
Presentation and discussion roundup
The chainsaw working group recently held two online open forums, hearing from operators and those with an interest in chainsaw safety. Thanks to the 48 attendees over the two events, joining discussions on chainsaw safety; event discussion saw some dominant themes emerging.
Join one of our online Chainsaw Operator Meetings - 26 & 30 November
Euroforest have shared a number of Ash Dieback safety guidance items.
FLS has a PhD student from Aberdeen University undertaking studies into fatigue, with a particular focus on those working on steep ground.
Update from FISA Chainsaw Working Group
FISA query response
In response to recent queries to FISA on PPE, Andy Sloss chair of the FISA Chainsaw Working Group has prepared some advice.
FISA Technical Note 002
Chainsaw operations remain the highest risk activity within our industry.
The FISA Chainsaw Working Group has prepared guidance on the planning of chainsaw works, for those undertaking the works, Forest Works Managers and Landowners. This guidance has been in circulation as a working draft for comment; we now release as a final version.