Safety Information

In this section you’ll find a wide range of safety information and guidance:

Get involved and help to make our industry safer - share your safety learning points

FISA are looking for you to share your stories when you have experienced an incident, near miss or good practice on site. In order to encourage reporting FISA have developed templates as guides to help you report your learning points from incidents and near misses to help prevent others suffering the same consequences. If you have solved a problem and have an example of good practice then let everyone know. 

Why share your safety learning points?

Sharing things that go wrong and where people have helped to correct things is special. Being open with these things allows us to learn and support each other better. 

The alerts and good practice will be shared by FISA regularly via the FISA website.  Every quarter we will review and look for a Health and Safety Star who has submitted a safety alert or good practice that has helped others. All Health and Safety Stars will be rewarded by the group and also entered into an annual award submission. 

If you wish to share your learning points in confidence we will ensure the alerts and good practice are anonymous. If you need some help to complete the templates send an email to with your contact details and a member of the group will get in touch with you. 

If you already produce your own alerts and good practice it would be great if you can share these with the FISA in order that we can share with a wider audience, send these to

Health and Safety Stars can be anyone from landowners, contractors, operatives, forest works managers. In other words, anyone! 

Get involved and help to make our industry safer.