The Accord sees Machinery, Plant & Equipment as a key priority in improving safety performance ensuring equipment is maintained efficiently and operated safely. The WG will research and communicate with manufacturers and industry users and produce safety guidance for various machinery, plant and equipment. Target is to cover all of the forest industry sector.
Gareth Hopkins - Forestry Commission
Gordon Adam - Forestry England
Sean Reilly - Bio Equipment
Chris Pike - Tilhill
Jock McKie - John Deere
Chris Hughes - MWMAC
Andy Newbold - Newmac
David Wilmer - Wilmer
Baden Powell - B Powell Forestry
Adrian Grew - Cabcare
Richard Gordon - Clark Engineering
Stephen Bellas - Komatsu Forest
Robert Barr - Ponsse UK Ltd
John Fukes - RJ Fukes Forestry Services
Richard Court - Importer Engineer/Machine Sales
Alex Mathieson - Oregon Chains
Richard Deboys - FLS Safety
Geraint Price - NRW
Simon Richmond - Arb Association
Simon Wallis - EuroForest
Calum Duffy - Duffy Skylining
Robert & Joe Millington - J & R Millington Ltd
Callum Campbell - Skyline Contractor
Adrian Cook - Heartwood Tree
Phil Newson - PR Newson
Charlie Fulton - MCL
Simon Richardson - Richardson Contracting
Ben Miller - BM Excavations
Eddie Warrener - LGP Excavators
Keith Silvester - Association of Lorry Loader Manufacturers and Importers
David Gostick – HSE - Observer
Mandy Maynard - Lantra
Rob South - Andrew Bronwin
Simon Richmond - Arb Association
Kyle Williams - Hendre Glyn Logs
Michael Bruce - Glentanner Estates
Eve Macready-Jones – HSE - Observer
Raise awareness in the correct use of machines and equipment, providing clear and concise guidance to industry. Working with HSE to also achieve clear answers to the construction, use and maintenance of machines and equipment in the industry.
- Identify H&S Issues for Machinery, Plant & Equipment
- Carry out a revision of the current industry guidance on winch operations to current practices
- Produce a system for Reports of Plant/equipment faults/recalls
- Review the Machine related FISA guides to ensure current standards are provided
- Identify and create a industry competency standard for Machine / Winch operators
- Publish Traction Assist Safety Guide
- Continue to raise awareness through FISA Bulletins
- Refresh Machine FISA Safety Guides
- Draft the Machine / Winch operator competency standard
- Create and issue a new guidance for use of Tree Shears
- Define clear guidance on CE Marking in relation to machine conversions