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SSEN - COVID-19: Adjusting our operations around planned outages.

Update email received from SSE 19 March 2020

We have taken steps to change the way we work and have cancelled all non-essential planned supply interruptions that impact customers. This is likely to have a significant impact on outages for 3rd Party Forestry works in the foreseeable future. 

If you are currently working towards a confirmed planned outage date, please contact the relevant Harvesting Liaison Manager (HLM) to confirm if your outage is affected. 

Lead HLM: Graham Stirling 07876 836994

Caledonia North / North Highland HLM:Fiona Maxwell 07342 027020

Caledonia South / South Highland HLM:Ninian Clark  07776 604925 

Please continue to submit Forestry Works Notifications for future works through the normal channels via email to 

More information can be found at

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