Forest Haulage Working Group - CPC +F Training media
Work has been progressing on the haulage safety media - primarily showing all key Forest haulage safety points for both drivers and FWMs!
- 6 x short videos to be used as part of the +F CPC 7hr course (CV19 postponed to spring 2021)
- 1 x Forest Haulage induction video (for all new entrants in HGV timber / low loader / fuel delivery sectors)
- 1 x short ‘promotion’ of the Forest Haulage sector for social media (to attract new entrants)
Thanks go to the following for financial support in helping FISA make this happen: Scottish Forestry, Forestry and Land Scotland & Natural Resources Wales and to hauliers in N Scotland and Wales for assistance with both trucks and drivers.
This work should be completed in mid/late October.
Trailer (excuse the pun) can be seen below and will be shared on social media.