Safety Guides

FISA Safety Guides are listed below and are all downloadable for printing direct.
They are numbered in the same format as the previous AFAG Safety Guides.

FISA Technical Notes can be found here.

100s - Establishment 200s - Maintenance 300s - Chainsaw Use
500s - Extraction 600s - Processing 700s - Vehicles
800s - General Safety    


Categories: Safety Guides, Haulage

FISA 707

Roundwood in Ports

December 2023 - Stevie Brown - Machine operator with JST Services Scotland Ltd,  Toni Mazija 2nd Mate on the vessel SCOT RANGER and Mark Cessford Director with RIX CARGO SOLUTIONS are quayside in Montrose last week discussing the new Forest Industry Safety Accord Safety Guide ‘707 Roundwood in Ports’.

This been developed by those within the forest industry who are transporting roundwood by sea.  FISA 707 provides general advice on working within ports, handling at quayside from road haulage and both loading and discharging timber vessels. As we push to meet decarbonisation targets and modal shift sees more roundwood moved by sea, the document critically identifies the often overlooked roles and responsibilities of those involved

July 2023 - Shipping of roundwood has steadily increased over the last 18 months, not least with the storm Arwen clear up in NE Scotland. Many ports previously unused for timber for many years are now being utilised for multi modal shipping of timber and it was pertinent for FISA to engage with this sector to create a base guidance document that can be referenced by ports and hauliers / suppliers.

FISA Safety Guide 707 has been developed by those within the forest industry who are transporting roundwood by sea. FISA 707 provides general advice on working within ports through to loading and unloading at the quayside and loading and discharging timber vessels. Helpfully to those not acquainted with transporting roundwood through ports, an appendix is provided giving definitions and health and safety roles and responsibilities.

Documents to download

Previous Article Guidance on Responsibilities for Environmental Protection in Forestry
Next Article FISA 808

Additional information

Aerial tree work guides from Arboricultural Association can be found here

A couple of AFAG guides can be found here

Bulk purchase of some of the FISA guides is available - please email for more detail.