Safety Bulletins

Slip, fall – fractured ankle

Scottish Woodlands Health & Safety Bulletin

A forest manager was setting out warning signage at a forest entrance. While walking down the slope, the manager slipped, fell and landed on their left ankle, hearing a distinctive crack. At A&E the Xray identified two adjacent spiral fractures to the fibula. The ankle was set in a hard cast. The manager was advice to avoid putting weight on the ankle for six weeks and to return for further assessment.

The manager was wearing high quality safety footwear with anti-slip Vibram soles and ankle support although the grips were showing significant signs of wear.
The attending medical professional, assessing the managers injury, did state that although the ankle support footwear did not prevent the spiral fracture, without them, the injury would in all likelihood have been a much more serious, compound fracture.
Well defined open cleats greatly increase the surface area of the sole, improving grip, and the cleats are designed to shed mud, snow and ice.
If your safety boot grips are showing significant signs of wear, look to have them replaced.

The bulletin also provides guidance on walking aids and sticks.

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