Safety Bulletins

Forwarder exposes buried powerline

Scottish Woodlands Health & Safety Bulletin

A forwarder exposed a buried powerline while extracting timber across an agricultural field.
The FWM had contacted the Distribution Network Operator (DNO) well in advance of the timber harvesting and extraction work, to discuss and agree crossing points and get line height measurements. The route between the transformer pole and the farm was selected as it gave the maximum overhead line clearance.
The representative of the DNO did not highlight to the FWM that the selected route may have a buried cable crossing it. The FWM falsely assumed that they would have done so. The FWM did not undertake a buried service check and did not undertake a CAT Scan.
Goalposts and warning signage was erected on both sides of the crossing point.

Read the full Bulletin for more on lessons learnt and the associated risks and management mitigations for working near buried services

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