Safety Bulletins

Emergency / winter first aid plan

Callers to FISA have raised concern about the delays in emergency response times.  We pass on this information from the callers and would suggest that as part of your emergency /winter first aid plan you also consider the following:


Winter First Aid

First aiders should consider extra foil and/or fleece blankets, group shelters and other equipment depending on their location and workplace settings. A foil blank is small and light to carry – and can be life saver!

  • Insulate and shelter is something stressed on Outdoor First aid courses. This is primarily insulating the casualty from the cold ground and sheltering them from the cold environment. If emergency response is delayed you may have to consider sending other members of your team out to site with additional blankets to keep the casualty warm.  In freezing temperatures a driver awaiting vehicle recovery may require additional support to ensure that they do not suffer from freezing conditions.
  • A head torch is essential for the short winter daylight hours – and it can be used as a distress signal in an emergency.
  • Food as fuel. Food is also very important for keeping people warm. In an emergency situation check with the phone responder prior to offering a casualty food/drinks.
  • Group shelter. Group shelters come in different sizes, a 2-person shelter is a good size for the first aider and a casualty. It warms you both up pretty quickly and keeps you dry and out of the wind.
  • Keep powered up! With so much reliance on battery powered equipment – mainly phones and torches. Some people carry small Power banks.
  • With limited battery power or signal, don’t forget you can always TEXT 999. You need to preregister your phone number in order to use this facility but it is quick and easy to do: Follow this link
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