Safety Bulletins

Welfare update - August 2022

Due to an increase in welfare queries to FISA here is a welfare guidance roundup.

FISA 806 Welfare outlines how the law relates to forestry, the guide includes information on standards, responsibilities and levels of provision/type of unit suited to different site sizes/works being undertaken

Employers and those in control to any extent of a workplace (eg. FWM) must by law, provide suitable and sufficient welfare facilities for their employees. Whilst site facilities may often only be used at the beginning and the end of the day (and perhaps for a lunch break) it is clear from industry experience already that when appropriate facilities are provided in safe places near the work, they are welcomed and used.

The April 2020 bulletin below also covers towing, planting and extensive sites, short term maintenance and transient sites, suitable places and positions. Welfare provisions must not increase the level of risk from known hazards. This means for example, that welfare units should not be placed near log stacks or lorry turning points, or if a toilet has to be serviced from the back of the unit, there must be safe and adequate access to it, not a ditch. Access and turning for waste tankers and service vehicles, and lone-working arrangements for the drivers must also be considered. FWMs must try to locate welfare facilities in places that are level, surfaced if possible, and wide enough to accommodate forestry machine maintenance beside or close to the facilities for hand washing.

The FWMs must ensure that all welfare provisions and any payment arrangements (including for example, shared welfare facilities) are agreed in the pre-work planning stages. The FWMs together with the Contractors working on a site (and anyone who has to any extent control of the site) have duties to ensure that the facilities are available on site.

Shared welfare:  The provision of welfare on sites should be available to all on site including haulage. The agreement and provision are down to the individual FWMs and all those involved in the contracts and should be discussed at the planning stage.

The FISA Board previously reminded the industry of the FISA Steering Group Recommendation from the June 2019 SG meeting:

  • Recommendation 2.1 - The WG recommend welfare cost is itemised (described`) and costed separately in ‘service contracts’ (Framework, Direct Ops, negotiated sales) and standing tendered sales. All separately from the tonnage ‘all in’ service rate or offer price per tonne respectively.

Additional links below are to further bulletins which answered questions from the industry on welfare questions. 

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