Safety Bulletins

Tick information from Forestry and Land Scotland

5 April 2023 - Public Health Scotland have provided details of the first suspected case of Tick-Borne Encephalitis (TBE) in Scotland. Tick awareness - News - Public Health Scotland. You may also have seen this BBC News item.

Forestry and Land Scotland have previously shared this wide range of Tick related information with FISA and it is all still relevant.

Campaigns on FLS website

Tick awareness  

Good depth of information in this link often ued on staff training courses as well as public focussed

Lyme Disease and Ticks - a doctor's advice for bikepacking
While related to cycling the information and discussion in this video are very relevant. FLS has worked with the Youtube influencer and teamed him up with a Dr so the info is factually correct, as well as upskilling the youtuber so he knew what he was talking about thus helping with myth busting around ticks and lyme disease.

Training Videos – for staff, contractors and the public
Ticked Off videos on YouTube –  provide a range of information for anyone working in the outdoors;

How to report to HSE under the RIDDOR regs

  • How to make a RIDDOR report - RIDDOR - HSE 
    • Select  - “report of a case of disease” fill out the form
    • first part -  who is making the report “About you and your organisation”
    • second part -  is “About where the affected person usually works”
    • third part -  Affected person details including  About the local authority and work activity where the affected person usually work
    • fourth part - About the disease including where was the disease contracted - select onshore.
    • as you progress through it choose “biological agent” as the disease category diagnosed
    • put “lyme” in the specify the diagnosed disease
    • put details of work activity that led to the disease eg deer stalking – this text box is free text you can describe all sorts of information in here

Documents to download

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