Safety Bulletins

Categories: News, RIDDOR, Covid-19

RIDDOR reporting of COVID-19

HSE has published guidance on when and how you should report coronavirus incidents under RIDDOR.

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) apply to all sectors and workplaces in Great Britain.

You should only make a report under RIDDOR, relating to coronavirus, when:

  • an accident or incident at work has, or could have, led to the release or escape of coronavirus. This must be reported as a dangerous occurrence
  • a worker has been diagnosed as having COVID-19 attributed to an occupational exposure to coronavirus. This must be reported as a case of disease
  • a worker dies as a result of occupational exposure to coronavirus

Visit our website for further details on the above, along with examples of what is reportable.


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