Safety Bulletins

Machine Fire Incident

Scottish Woodlands Health & Safety Bulletin

A fire broke out on a logset forwarder while it was extracting timber at a windfarm site. The forwarder was returning from the roadside stacking area into the woods when the operator observed smoke emanating from under the cab. Acting promptly, the operator stopped the forwarder and evacuated the cab. Subsequently, the fire escalated, resulting in the complete destruction of the forwarder.

The operator then informed management who immediately called emergency services and requested fire dept to attend the scene, providing the precise location details including the address, grid reference, and What3Words guided the emergency services directly to site.

Read full item below, as well as a Scottish Power item on Incidents involving Injuries and Burns

For more information on preventing Machine Fires see the link for Scottish Woodlands Quest Guide 3.07 Machine Fires.

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