Safety Bulletins

Categories: Safety Bulletins

Hand Arm Vibration (Chainsaws)

Pontrilas Safety Note

This guidance is set to achieve the following points identified from our daily site visits and contractor feedback / discussions:

  • • Identify what Hand Arm Vibration (HAVs) is within the forestry workplace
  • • How do we reduce it in our planning and operations?
  • • Methods of implementation within the business

The aim is to ensure by the end of this guidance as a Contractor you are able to understand what is needed to comply with the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005. This regulation covers both HAVs and Whole-Body Vibration (WBA), we will focus on HAVs in this safety Note.

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Next Article Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS) - Guidance for Employers and Operatives

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Overhead Power Line Warning Signage

The FISA Electricity and Utilities Working Group have agreed, as a small step improvement, to offer up to the forestry industry, an industry standard template version of overhead powerline warning signage, that better reflects the HSE Guidance.

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