Safety Bulletins

Categories: Safety Bulletins

Forwarder contacts overhead goalposts. Near-miss.

Scottish Woodlands Health & Safety Toolbox Talk

A forwarder operator incorrectly stowed his crane on top of his load, the crane knuckle snagged the overhead rope bunting and pulled the goalpost set down. Work was suspended on site until the goal posts could be repaired and the safe working methodologies could be re-briefed to the machine operators.

Machine operators, you must ensure you are aware of all maximum height restrictions across your worksite, these may vary. You are principally at risk.

Bear in mind, machines which carry loads should be aware of how this may affect their heights, as this may impact on their safety clearances.

Read the full Toolbox Talk below.

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Benzene Exposure

Chainsaws come with well-known occupational hazards like lacerations, burns, vibration, and noise exposure. But did you know about the health effects from fuel vapour and exhaust fumes?

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