Safety Bulletins

Categories: Safety Library, Haulage

Forest Haulage Induction Video

FISA are presenting a great new online resource for the sector – aimed at new entrants who have HGV experience – but maybe who have not previously driven in Forest conditions. 

Watch it here.

As well as the obvious timber trucks, this also covers drivers of fuel tankers, low loaders and other materials deliveries . It is hoped that Haulage companies will use this easily accessed online tool to create a meaningful impact on new entrants and use it as part of their induction process.  Efficient induction training saves time, reduces employee turnover and ensures operational efficiency while at the same time providing the new start with the information they need, making them feel valued and helping them establish good communication with the people in the organisation.


Latest Bulletins

Benzene Exposure

Chainsaws come with well-known occupational hazards like lacerations, burns, vibration, and noise exposure. But did you know about the health effects from fuel vapour and exhaust fumes?

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