Safety Bulletins

Categories: Safety Bulletins

Driving under the influence

FISA Safety Bulletin

The drink drive limit in Scotland is now much less than one glass of wine or a pint of beer. So if you are the designated driver, DON’T RISK IT.

Nearly one in seven of all deaths on Scottish roads involve drivers who are over the legal limit. The risk of being involved in an accident increases rapidly with the amount of alcohol consumed. In 2020, figures from The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents show that 220 people were killed and there were around 6,480 casualties in total in drink drive accidents in the UK.

The blood alcohol limit in Scotland is 50mg in every 100ml of blood and for England, Wales and Northern Ireland the limit is 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. In Southern Ireland, the legal limit for an ordinary driver is 50mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood, however if you are a professional, novice or learner driver the limit is lowered to just 20mg of alcohol in every 100ml of blood.

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Benzene Exposure

Chainsaws come with well-known occupational hazards like lacerations, burns, vibration, and noise exposure. But did you know about the health effects from fuel vapour and exhaust fumes?

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