
Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) in forestry

Version 2.2 released 7th February 2022

The health, safety and wellbeing of those working in forestry is already a priority for the forestry sector, and as such we are well-placed to manage the additional risks of COVID-19.

This FISA document sets out guidance on how to work safely. It gives practical considerations of how this can be applied in forestry operations.

Version 2.2 released 7th February 2022 - revised to reflect the recent changes in restrictions.

Previous versions:

Version 2.1 released 14th December 2021 - Updated to include new government advice on preventing the transmission of Omicron Variant. This includes encouraging work from home where possible, updates on self-isolation procedures and encouraging the regular use of Lateral Flow Tests.  Importantly, the guidance for managing COVID-19 risks on site remains the same but there is a greater emphasis on ensuring that those controls are robustly applied. 

V2 released 16th August 2021 - updated in light of recent changes in legislation and guidance in Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England.  This includes changes in requirements relating to physical (social distancing), face coverings and self-isolation rules.   

V1.9 released 14th May 2021 - updated to take account of changes to reflect the current progress out of lock down including information on vaccinations and lateral flow testing.

V1.8 released 7th January 2021 - updated to take account of the following:

  • Reference to the new, more transmissible, variant of COVID added
  • Shielding section updated to point to local guidance
  • Working from home where possible emphasised in “Who should go to work” section
  • Reference to travelling into/ out of Scotland added to section 4.1
  • Reference to cleaning of vehicles following maintenance and MOTs added to section 5.2

V1.7 released 14th December 2020 - updated to take into account the reduction for self-isolation down from 14 to 10 days.

V1.6 released 30th October 2020 - updated to take into account the regional differences in COVID-19 protection measures across the UK

V1.5 released 19th October 2020 updated section 6.1 to take account of new face covering rules in Scotland 

V1.4 released 9th October 2020minor changes to section on managing meetings.  

V1.3 released 10th August 2020 - Areas changed are: 3.1 changes to shielding requirements; and 6.1 changes to facemasks section

V1.2 released 30th July 2020 - self isolation period extended from 7 to 10 days.

V1 released 29th May 2020


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