Safety Guides

FISA Safety Guides are listed below and are all downloadable for printing direct.
They are numbered in the same format as the previous AFAG Safety Guides.

FISA Technical Notes can be found here.

100s - Establishment 200s - Maintenance 300s - Chainsaw Use
500s - Extraction 600s - Processing 700s - Vehicles
800s - General Safety    


Woodlands Awards 2021
Categories: News

Woodlands Awards 2021

FISA was nominated for the Woodlands Awards 2021, winning the category of Best Regional and National Woodland Organisations.

This award is truly a reflection of the hardwork and dedication shown by all involved with FISA and particular thanks to our Working Group members.


Additional information

Aerial tree work guides from Arboricultural Association can be found here

A couple of AFAG guides can be found here

Bulk purchase of some of the FISA guides is available - please email for more detail.