Safety Guides

FISA Safety Guides are listed below and are all downloadable for printing direct.
They are numbered in the same format as the previous AFAG Safety Guides.

100s - Establishment 200s - Maintenance 300s - Chainsaw Use
500s - Extraction 600s - Processing 700s - Vehicles
800s - General Safety    


Wood Dust in the Wood Recycling Sector

Employers have a legal duty to protect workers from the hazards of wood dust under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH). They must carry out risk assessments and take steps to ensure risks are prevented or adequately controlled. They must not exceed certain Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs) for dust and reduce employee exposure to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).

The guidance addresses the HSE’s recommendations on managing exposure to wood dust and sets out the ways in which the risks can be prevented or adequately controlled according to a ‘hierarchy of control’. It covers topics including risk assessments, wood dust exposure during waste processing activities, Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) and health surveillance of employees.


Additional information

Aerial tree work guides from Arboricultural Association can be found here

A couple of AFAG guides can be found here

Bulk purchase of some of the FISA guides is available - please email for more detail.