Safety Guides

FISA Safety Guides are listed below and are all downloadable for printing direct. They are numbered in the same format as the previous AFAG Safety Guides.

FLS COVID-19 compliance checks - update report December 2020

The COVID-19 checks, carried out as part of FLS’s Plan-Do-Check-Act approach to health and safety management, continue to demonstrate an overall good level of compliance. This reflects the significant efforts to manage COVID-19 risks effectively by both FLS staff and suppliers. However, the checks did identify areas for improvement on some sites which were addressed quickly. This demonstrates the value of Plan-Do-Check-Act process in promoting compliance and a culture of continual improvement. The cases of COVID-19 reported in workers highlights the day-to-day risk presented by the virus, and importance of continuing efforts to reduce transmission as far as possible.

Documents to download


Additional information

Aerial tree work guides from Arboricultural Association can be found here

A couple of AFAG guides can be found here

Bulk purchase of some of the FISA guides is available - please email for more detail.