Safety Bulletins

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FISA Outline Chainsaw Competency System

FISA Outline Chainsaw Competency System - version 5 is available to download below. 

October 2022 - Example Chainsaw Operators Logbook - download below.
Recording your competence is how you are able to demonstrate and log your ongoing competency development. This provides evidence and proof you can manage the work tasks you are undertaking. The record of competency also helps to look at new skill development you will aim to achieve in future.  Your competency log will probably be asked for by those you work for and the site Forest Works Manager (FWM). A log you can effectively share with others will help you manage how you share your competency record.  How you record your competency log is your choice, we offer a paper example chainsaw operators logbook here.  You may keep a paper record; you may choose to use a digital APP as your method of recording. 

More background on the chainsaw competency system can be found here.


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