7 Mar 2024 Categories: Safety Alerts, Chainshot Chain Shot Incident on Processor BC Forest Safety Alert Two forestry workers were located approximately 100 metres from an operating processor when they heard a bang that sounded similar to a .22 round fired from a rifle. The processor’s chain split, sending a couple of links into the windshield of the processor. The protective Lexan glass prevented the links from going through the windshield, doing its job in only allowing the broken pieces to embed in the windshield. Read the full alert below with some learnings to take forward. Documents to download BC Forest Safety Industry_Alert-Processor_Chain_Shot_Incident-January_2024.pdf(.pdf, 730.67 KB) Print
Benzene Exposure Chainsaws come with well-known occupational hazards like lacerations, burns, vibration, and noise exposure. But did you know about the health effects from fuel vapour and exhaust fumes? Read more