Safety Bulletins

Guidance for FWM - Planning Chainsaw Operations

FISA Technical Note 002

Chainsaw operations remain the highest risk activity within our industry.

The FISA Chainsaw Working Group has prepared guidance on the planning of chainsaw works,  for those undertaking the works, Forest Works Managers and Landowners.   This guidance has been in circulation as a working draft for comment; we now release as a final version.

Inspection of Work Equipment & Machines

FISA Technical Note 003

This Technical Note will only focus on the requirements in relation to inspection of equipment and machines. But it is the responsibility of the employer to familiarise themselves with the other elements of Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) / Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998) (LOLER).

It has been written to highlight the requirements for inspection of machines and work equipment used within forestry. We hope to increase the knowledge of the reader and provide examples of recording inspections. This will not be an exhaustive list but enable you to gain an understanding of the requirements and provide reference for further reading.

January 2023 - Chainsaw PUWER Checklist added.

December 2022 - sample machine daily and weekly inspection records now available which can be adapted to your own situation.


Chainshot - manage the risk

FISA Technical Note 004

Chainshot has been the cause of several fatal accidents around the world and a near fatal accident in the UK 2019.

This FISA Technical Note will explain what Chainshot is and the control measures ALL persons can put in place to reduce risk.

Using a tree jack

FISA Technical Note 001

Advice from the Chainsaw Working Group aimed at Operators is summarised in this document. These are general guidelines and set out advice at the date of issue; they may not be relevant to your situation or site and it is necessary to use common sense when applying them. A full glossary of terms used is found at the end of the document.

Latest Bulletins

Benzene Exposure

Chainsaws come with well-known occupational hazards like lacerations, burns, vibration, and noise exposure. But did you know about the health effects from fuel vapour and exhaust fumes?

Read more