FISA often receives questions on defibrillators. Here we provide some information on provision, tips on getting a defibrillator and location app for adding to site emergency information.
Scottish Woodlands Health & Safety Bulletin
A useful safety bulletin highlighting the importance of having an outline machine recovery plan.
Scottish Woodlands Health & Safety Bulletin
A very important safety bulletin highlighting the need to stack in a safe a stable manner, and the reason to advise the public to not climb on timber stacks.
FISA have recently received several queries seeking advice on the issue of how to approach retrieving trees or timber out of rivers or other water bodies.
FISA Safety Bulletin
FISA have recently received several queries seeking advice on the issue of fly tipping.
A reminder to please ensure that site security is followed, with gates closed and locked - particularly forest sites in close proximity to public areas. Callers have warned of the loss of timber for ‘bonfire making material’ and the fear of larger rockets (which travel a great distance from the point of lighting) and sky lanterns – both posing a risk of fire in woodland areas.
HSE have published details of a recent prosecution after a worker was struck by a falling Ash tree, leaving them left with life-changing injuries. They suffered multiple serious injuries leaving them paralysed from the stomach down.
We are receiving queries about lone working, particularly for those contracted as a self employed/free lance worker
Euroforest have shared a number of Ash Dieback safety guidance items.