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Review of the Treework National Occupational Standard

Lantra has been working closely with the industry on this review and also with HSE and AFAG. Skills Development Scotland (SDS) have asked to pilot a broader approach to the development of NOS, following work done in Scotland to create Work Situations for the Treework industry.  

Comments are now sought on these standards to ensure they are fit for purpose. Below is a full list but please only comment on those that are applicable to your job. The NOS have been split into groups to make them easier to access. Please note this is just on a best fit basis. The standards can be accessed via this link 2023-2024 Treework NOS and below is a comment sheet where you can record your thoughts or just send me an email. There are some formatting issues with some NOS which will be corrected, and all NOS will be externally proofread before final submission. Only NOS that have been revised are on the link, those where there have been no changes and all imported NOS can be accessed at Just type in the URN.

The consultation is open until Sunday 31st March 2024.

Please share this message with your colleagues. Feedback is important. All information will be stored in accordance with the latest data protection legislation. We request that you provide the UK Nation in which you operate in order to ensure that we have had feedback from all four nations and the standards are suitable for the whole of the UK.

Please send comments and any queries to Jenny Smith.

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