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National Occupational Standards for Incident Management consultation

Following research into the types of incidents and emergencies encountered in the land-based sector, standards have been gathered together to cover prevention and preparation, response and investigation of incidents at all levels from operator to responsible organisations.

Many of the standards already existed and some have been newly developed. Some have been written by Lantra expressly for the land-based sector and others written by other organisations such as Skills for Justice who develop standards for category 1 responders. Not all will be suitable for everyone but there should be sufficient choice to allow people to select those that would work for them.

Lantra are keen now to get comments on these standards to ensure they are fit for purpose.

The full list of standards and comments sheet where you can record your thoughts can be accessed here. Please only comment on those that are applicable to your job.  Please email the comments back to Jenny Smith.

The consultation is open until Sunday 11th December 2022 and the final NOS will be available for use in March 2023.

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Benzene Exposure

Chainsaws come with well-known occupational hazards like lacerations, burns, vibration, and noise exposure. But did you know about the health effects from fuel vapour and exhaust fumes?

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