
Categories: News, Safety Bulletins


FISA Safety Bulletin

FISA have recently received several queries seeking advice on the issue of fly tipping.

Fly-tipping is costly to both the public sector and landowners to clear up.  Local authorities, Environment Agency, NRW and SEPA have powers to investigate and deal with incidents but no obligation to clear waste - that tends to fall on the landowner.

The quicker waste is removed from site the better to avoid repeated fly-tipping or the indication that an area is infrequently visited or managed, with dumped waste attracting more waste!

If you see anything suspicious around forests and woodland while carrying out work activities, please contact the forestry manager.   If you come across fly-tipped waste, please always report it immediately to the forest manager.  The quicker it is dealt with and removed the less environmental damage and the less chance more fly-tipping occurs.


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