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Chainsaw Competency System update on development

– call for FISA member feedback - please send your comments to 

Following early feedback received from the Industry in relation to the initial ‘Outline Chainsaw Competency System’  & ‘Audit Elements’ the FISA Chainsaw Working Group (CWG)  has undertaken a decision to remove the integral Audit Elements (Outline Audit and Auditors Standard) for revision and further development. FISA will continue to maintain ownership of the standards set for external bodies to deliver the Audit elements of the chainsaw ‘Outline Chainsaw Competency System’. 

The Audit Elements form an integral part of the ‘Outline Chainsaw Competency System’ as its aim is to set a consistent, minimum industry standard. The decision to remove the elements was to allow FISA to further develop the standards and remove any confusion or risk of misinterpretation within the industry. The CWG will focus on developing the Audit Elements over the forthcoming months, providing updates or opportunities for consultation to the industry as work progresses. 

Additionally, The CWG has revised the ‘Outline Chainsaw Competency System’ now V5 - download below; this remains a live document.

Further  changes and updates on progress will be shared with industry as the system develops. Your feedback will assist with this development.  The CWG will share feedback responses via the FISA member updates in a series of Q&As

The system is supported by the HSE released foreword which can be viewed below.

Additionally to download below is the CWG Statement shared with the FISA Steering Group at the March meeting, this gives more information on the development of the Chainsaw Competency System and responds to earlier feedback on the planning subject.

Please send your feedback to: and feedback will be reviewed by the Chainsaw WG.

Chainsaw Competency System V5 (remains a live document subject to further development changes) – Referenced changes to earlier versions:

Document Title = Revision of title to identify document as outline system; the WG agreed on the use of ‘Outline Chainsaw Competency System’  and confirmed that the system will be hosted and maintained by FISA (24/02/21).

Technician Titles = Revision to use of ‘Title’ instead of level, to remove conflict with other awarding bodies (Lantra/C&G) terminology used in their current certification systems (24/02/21)

CPD = Addition of hours and requirements to maintain competency has been included to help the user to define expectation once within system (24/02/21)


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