
FISA 608

Tree Shear and Grapple Saw

This document provides guidance on the safe working practices to be followed when operating tree shear and grapple saw equipment.

July 2022 - FISA 608 updated to version 4; Alongside this a suitable training course has been scoped and outlined, this outline will continue to be reviewed in line with the guidance.

Tree Shears/Grapple Saws

FISA-AA Safety Alert

V7 update - 23 April 2021 - The machine should also have visible or audible overload warning (loads over 1 tonne), check valves, be marked with SWL and be subject to LOLER thorough examination (if operator not protected by FOPS/OPS/ROPS or if there is a risk that loads may be lifted over or close to people).

Thanks go to the FISA Plant & Equipment Tree Shears/Grapple Saws Sub-Group, chaired by Sean Reilly for pulling this safety alert together so quickly in support of the industry. 

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